Hi everyone,
I’m playing with the DB version on “test.logseq.com” and I am running to a problem to create a “contact” database.
The steps:
I create a tag “contact”
on the contact page I add some properties like address, mail . . .
then I create a contact name and I make it a page using [] because I want to be able to write things about this contact on its page.
The problem:
If I create an other contact with the same name (which people sometimes happend to have), it refers to the same page as the first person with the same name.
So basically, you cannot create a database of people unless they all have different names. Even if you give them different values as properties (address, mail. . .)
Is there a way to overcome this problem?
You can have multiple names pointing to the same page (with an alias) but you can’t have multiple pages with the same name.
Just use different names: John A and John B, or John (New York) and John (Paris)
The hierarchy feature is also a way to have multiple pages with similar names: A/John and B/John or New York/John and Paris/John. In logseq DB they will all render as John, but this is meant for different categories of objects, like Computers/Apple and Pies/Apple. I wouldn’t advise using it for different items in the same category (contacts).
Thank you for your answer @Luhmann.
It is really a shame it can’t be done. These workarounds might work for a personal contact list, it is not usable in any professional context (customers, Users. . .).
If you are fine with working with node instead, you can have two nodes with the same name.
Here is an example. You can add new entries via the tag table (new button)
Hi @danzu thanks for your answer,
This is also a good workaround. I jus wonder if there is a limit to how much you can write “in” a node. Would it work for very long pages like for example years of a patient followup?
PS. I am just exploring possibilities, I am not actually planning on doing it before stable version.
It should work with long connected nodes.
What is your definition of a “long page” ? please share number of nodes and number of work per nodes, if possible.
You’re right I meant “connected nodes” not page sorry.
I don’t have a precise number of nodes since this is theoretical but if I have one or two entries per week for years, it can quickly rise to several hundreds of connected nodes.
Would that work?