Creating a new graph

Hi Community, when creating a new graph, where should the new graph be nested? Does Logseq control that structure? Asking because I am concerned about creating graphs that would not be conducive to search later.
In the attachment, you can see that the new graph “Recipes” is nested inside logseq. Is that OK?

It should not be nested under another graph. That’s the big thing.

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Can you elaborate? Am I nesting Recipes at this point under logseq which I think is a folder and not a graph.

Don’t put a graph folder within another graph folder, that will lead to lots of issues.

Thanks Ramses, you are speaking to a newbie here. Where should I place new graph when creating one. My “Root” level when creating my first logseq graph is Brain2nd. Are you saying I should put any new graph under my Documents folder where it will be at the same level as Brain2nd?

Hi @kaos, I can’t say exactly as I’m a Windows user and don’t quite understand your Finder image. I just created a second Graph, and put it in a folder (named Logseq-2) next to my main graph folder (simply named Logseq). It worked fine.
You could probably put that second folder anywhere, including beside your original Logseq graph folder, just not in it, as the guys said.


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Thanks Smithy for your feedback. I feel more comfortable now creating a new graph and not worrying about future issues down the road because of improper nesting.

Newbie since 29 April. I am still confused about what is said here. I shall describe how I have set Logseq up and what happens with graphs. In order to make my story clear I have attached a few screenshots.

I am on macOS and this is what I have in Logseq:

In Finder it looks like this and you can see the 3 main folders are under my Logseq graph:

If I switch to Logseq/journals (see 1st screenshot) I get the journal entries, but with a date format I don’t like:

I want to change the date format to yyyy-mm-dd, as per the main graph called Logseq:

When I switch to Logseq/journals (lower case “j”), and then go to the settings and change the date format, it tells me to re-index. After doing so, this is what it looks like in Finder:

The 3 standard folders are duplicated, and the date format is not changed.

The reason why I told you all this is that I want to create a new graph with my pre-existing .md files and don’t want to make a mess of everything. How should I proceed?

My issue was solved here.

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