Custom.css for NOW, DOING and priorities

Having hard time customizing the todo appearence with custom.css, what is the syntax there?

What do you want to achieve? Could be as simple as this:

  background: orange;
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Thanks, that got me going. But is there general class name for TODO, NOW, LATER and Priorities? Also this apparently doesn’t change the checkbox color

Use View > Toggle Developer Tools to inspect the checkboxes as well as any element you’d like to style.

You can do something like: .todo, .done, .doing { stuff }, as well as .form-checkbox { stuff}, and .form-checkbox:checked, .form-checkbox:checked:focus { stuff } to style the checkbox.

Here’s an example:

Hope that helps.

  • Class .block-marker covers multiple cases.
  • span:has(.block-marker) input { targets the checkbox.
  • Class .priority targets priorities.
  • Special requirements need special rules.
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Epic, thank you! The developer tools was what i needed.

thank you for the details, i will take a look at this too.