Does anybody know how to block this error message?

as attached, no any information on it? thanks

An empty message doesn’t help at all. Check if anything is available in the console (through Ctrl + Shift + i).

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seems not work…and it seems pops up after for a while…

The same happens on desktop at certain resolutions while editing a(n) EDN file. Changing the resolution or sometimes just resizing the window fixes the problem for me, but since you are using what I assume is an MS Surface or mobile device, I am afraid that is all I can offer.

it happened in Mac and pops up randomly, it ta possible to block it instead of click it?

The error could be caused by a plugin. Which ones do have enabled?

Also, it helps if you can share console logs. Here are instructions (Figma works similar to Logseq):

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Vanilla Logseq. I am a purist and have a sandbox for potentially dirty things (like mentaloid.js).

Will do. I managed to hit [PrtScn] when it happened again this morning but can not recall where I stashed the image cap file.

  • NOW Trying to find where I saved logseqblackerror-screencap.png
    CLOCK: [2024-02-07 Wed 12:23:04]


  • LATER Trying to find where I saved logseqblackerror-screencap.png
    CLOCK: [2024-02-07 Wed 12:23:04]–[2024-02-07 Wed 12:44:27] => 00:21:23
    I Could not find it, sorry. You guys are on your own.