Does Logseq have a duplicate line command/shortcut?
I haven’t found any, I guess it doesn’t, but I figured I’d ask to make sure I’m not missing anything.
Not out of the box, but maybe the vim plugin by @Richard_Yu could work for you. It doesn’t have a shortcut to duplicate a block, but it has a shortcut to copy the current block and and one to paste it underneath or above.
Read up on it here (you can install it from the Marketplace):
Thanks for the suggestion, @Ramses
I’ll check that out.
We can automate the steps using a software like Keyboard Maestro (for those on Mac). Works as long as a block is not selected i.e., in the Esc mode.
Cutting/Copying a block into the clipboard is not an option when you have there something that you want to preserve.
It would be much better and common to have this command instead. Like it’s done just in every editor.
Hello. There is a plugin from Mateusz Myalski called Block Shallow Copy who does exactly that.