[dz-workflow] Build a 2022 Bucket List in Logseq

Hello Logseq Community!

It is that time of the year when we set new goals for the upcoming months. To meet these goals or, better, bucket lists, we should craft and use a suited tracking system in Logseq.

The Bucket list tracker is straightforward. It uses the following:

  • One Logseg page
  • Logseq Chart plugin (find and install it from the marketplace)
  • An activity list block section
  • and graph block with the value percentbar green 400, which uses the Chart plugin
    • Replicate The block to list the progress value.

How do you create the table?

  • cmd + k to create a page 2022 Bucket List.
  • Copy the content below to the 2022 Bucket List page
  • Set your bucket list items as blocks with properties under the Activities section
  • Under Overview , which contains the chart, manually edit the list of activities and the list of progress data under the progress block. Note that the values 1,10 => objective, completed under the first Progress block will map to the first activity under Activities. (maybe we will remove this manual step in the future with a plugin)

Here is the raw content


Produced from =>

- percentbar green 400
	- Activities
		- Reading books
		- Runing Miles
		- Burning Active Calories
		- Improve dexterity
	- Progress
		- 1,10
		- 4,1000
		- 15000,220000
		- 0,12


produced by =>
{{query (property type bucketlist)}}


Produced by blocks with properties =>

Name:: Read books
FocusArea:: Personal
Objective:: 10
Completed:: 1
Tags:: Growth, Book, Learning
Type:: bucketlist

Last, the full example is attached =>

- Overview
  heading:: true
- {{renderer :charts_fbgeufdw}}
	- percentbar green 400
		- Activities
			- Reading books
			- Runing Miles
			- Burning Active Calories
			- Improve dexterity
		- Progress
			- 1,10
			- 4,1000
			- 15000,220000
			- 0,12
- Table
  heading:: true
- {{query (property type bucketlist)}}
  query-table:: true
  id:: a5b2a0e8-65bb-4f79-b2e8-e5979ac31420
  query-properties:: [:name :objective :completed :focusarea :tags]
  query-sort-by:: focusarea
  query-sort-desc:: true
  querytable:: true
  queryproperties:: [:name :focusarea :objective :completed :tags]
- ---
- Activities
  heading:: true
	- Name:: Read books
	  FocusArea:: Personal
	  Objective:: 10
	  Completed:: 1
	  Tags:: Growth, Book, Learning
	  Type:: bucketlist
	- Name:: Improve health via running habit - complete miles
	  FocusArea:: Personal
	  Objective:: 1000
	  Completed:: 4
	  Tags:: Health, Habit
	  Type:: bucketlist
	- Name:: Increase active calories burn
	  FocusArea:: Personal
	  Objective:: 220000
	  Completed:: 510
	  Tags:: Health, Habit
	  Type:: bucketlist
	- Name:: Improve dexterity - Learn to draw
	  FocusArea:: Fun
	  Objective:: 12
	  Completed:: 0
	  Tags:: Fun
	  Type:: bucketlist

Have fun!


Thank you for sharing! This is awesome


This is awesome!
Would you mind sharing the assets in a GitHub repo or something similar? It is a bit hard to grasp what belongs where and how the underlying Markup looks like. Thank you for sharing!
Upd: I guess my question is more about this line in the Markdown, that you have provided:

{{renderer :charts_fbgeufdw}}

This isn’t rendering for me
Upd2: I had to install this plugin to render it

Hello! the underlying markdown is below, and that what you must add to a page called 2022 Bucket List. Make sure you have the logseq-chartrender-plugin installed.

- Overview
  heading:: true
- {{renderer :charts_fbgeufdw}}
	- percentbar green 400
		- Activities
			- Reading books
			- Runing Miles
			- Burning Active Calories
			- Improve dexterity
		- Progress
			- 1,10
			- 4,1000
			- 15000,220000
			- 0,12
- Table
  heading:: true
- {{query (property type bucketlist)}}
  query-table:: true
  id:: a5b2a0e8-65bb-4f79-b2e8-e5979ac31420
  query-properties:: [:name :objective :completed :focusarea :tags]
  query-sort-by:: focusarea
  query-sort-desc:: true
  querytable:: true
  queryproperties:: [:name :focusarea :objective :completed :tags]
- ---
- Activities
  heading:: true
	- Name:: Read books
	  FocusArea:: Personal
	  Objective:: 10
	  Completed:: 1
	  Tags:: Growth, Book, Learning
	  Type:: bucketlist
	- Name:: Improve health via running habit - complete miles
	  FocusArea:: Personal
	  Objective:: 1000
	  Completed:: 4
	  Tags:: Health, Habit
	  Type:: bucketlist
	- Name:: Increase active calories burn
	  FocusArea:: Personal
	  Objective:: 220000
	  Completed:: 510
	  Tags:: Health, Habit
	  Type:: bucketlist
	- Name:: Improve dexterity - Learn to draw
	  FocusArea:: Fun
	  Objective:: 12
	  Completed:: 0
	  Tags:: Fun
	  Type:: bucketlist