Easy way to jump across Journal entries (past and future)

Request added on behalf of rcvd_io Discord

it would be great if I had a calendar icon in the menu bar where a I can easy select a previous or future date and logseq jumps to that journal. I often plan my days and weeks in advance and creating the journals manually is cumbersome. In Roam this has been implement with the Roam42 Plugin…

And I believe that we already have eveything we need for scheduling tasks…

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I do like this feature and voted for it, however a couple notes:

  1. Doesn’t this already work by typing the date in the format you prefer (e.g. the ones you journal entries are created with). For example: I use ISO so if I type “2021-02-03” it shows a link to that page. If I type “2022-02-03”, I can create that page and it ends up under “Journals” because it is the recognized date format.

  2. I believe a calendar view is in the works (no idea where I read that) so presumably this is already in the roadmap somewhere. I hope we see it soon :slight_smile:

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This is possible with the Journal plugin available on the marketplace.