Educators using Logseq - workflow ideas

Hello fellow notetaking-enthusiasts!

Are there any educators out there using Logseq and/or Obsidian? I have been using Obsidian since 2020, but just moved to Logseq to be my primarily notetaking application (or the inbox as I call it). I will continue to use Obsidian for my final notes.

But, I am interested in hearing how teachers and professors use Logseq for course and lesson planning etc. Do you create a page for each course you teach? Do you use any metadata properties for these? And what about other areas and administration of your field where you also need to do some notetaking? I myself, teach 5 courses each term + being a director of studies. So this is quite many lessons, meetings, designing presentations and other materials, examining and planning the budget+hours for all courses we teach. I like Logseq for the outliner/parent-child-relation-structure, which removes some of the cognitive burden when needing to get something down. But I wan’t to start of in the right way so I don’t need to fiddle to much with my graph later on. I speak of experience, since 2020 I have probably created 20-30 new “vaults” in Obsidian, each time trying to perfect my workflow. So now I really just want to find the right structure. Any inputs will make me gratified!

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Hi, I am not a teacher, but when it comes to courses and lessons you have two options:

  1. Use a page for each course and indent lessons there. You can add metadata about lessons as properties:: to the header of each lesson, for example slide:: lesson1.pdf
  2. Use a page for each course and lessons as pages too but in a namespace, for example [[Course A/Lesson 1]]. Or even [[Course A/1]], [[Course B/1]]. Then metadata about lessons would be page-properties of those pages

The first option is better if you need to move a lot of blocks between lessons and you don’t want to switch page each time, but just scroll. It’s better also for an overview of lessons from the same course.

The second options is better if you need to reference lessons around. For example “TODO prepare [[Course A/Lesson 13]]”.

If you add metadata to lessons like “duration::” you will be able to calculate the sum with a query table function.


Thanks! Very good ideas.
What I have now is a bit too fiddly and all based on namespaces. I roll with:

And another one is:

But then I have to make sure that right information is on both termpages which is not so good.

I like your two options, will look into it. Thanks!

I also really want to add term in this too since Course A/Lesson 13 might be different from each term.

Do you have the same course in different terms and you want to differentiate them?

I wouldn’t use more than two levels of namespaces because often they are not needed and hard to manage, so I think you should drop “University” at the beginning.

Maybe use course/term/lesson or simply course/lesson? Or maybe both:

  • in course/lesson store content that is common no matter the term (in case you have organized the content of your lessons by lesson, so a “logical lesson”)
  • in course/term/lesson store metadata about physical lessons, like date, time a journal of what you actually explained etc

Of course if you use both you can’t use just numbers to indicate lessons and terms, you would need something like PHYS339/L1 and PHYS339/T1/L1.

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This is great! Thanks!!

I think I go with:

  • course-page with headers for each lesson. This will act as the template and gives the “logical lesson”
  • course/term/lesson store the metadata about physical lessoons.
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