Enable #Tags including blanks as in '#tag with blanks'

  • Currently the tag styling and auto-linking only works with single word tags, eg. #tag
  • In order to create multi-word tags currently you need to use connectors eg. #this-is-a-long-tag or #long_tag.
  • This is not optimal when the tag creates a new page that should be as close as possible to the natural written word/expression, eg. “this is a long tag” or “long tag”
  • In order to create pages like this I currently use [[ Links ]] instead of #tags to create those pages
  • This works well as a workaround to create the page initially
  • It would be great to be able to reference the page later on with tags that allow blanks as well, eg. #this is a long tag
  • The implementation could still be done via [[ Link | #Tagname ]]
  • The styling could be adjusted to be “tag like” once the # is written before the link

Roam does this by letting you write #[[tag with spaces]] which displays as #tag with spaces. I’d expect logseq to work the same, but maybe it doesn’t?

Regardless, I think the approach by Roam is the preferred solution.

I will try this in logseq.

being able to style #tags, [[pages]], and #[[multi word tags]] differently would be great

I think by default #tag and #[[tag tag]] should be the same, but should have different classnames so they could be styled differently.

personally, I want different styles for all 3

But in practice #[[test with blanks]] works now. So I guess it has been implemented?

Yes, it’s implemented now.

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