Error path when trying to drag PDF - unable to open PDF

Hi, I have just downloaded Logseq. I can drag a PDF to a page, but when I click on the link, a message appears asking if it is the correct error path. I cannot seem to open PDFs. Is there a solution to this?

Which OS are you using? How long is the path?

I’m experiencing the same error and was looking whether this bug was reported before. From my experiments, it’s caused by too long path lengths.

I’m using logseq 0.9.2 on Windows 11. With a long pdf filename (210 characters) and a reasonable path, my entire path length is longer than 260 characters. It seems that logseq cannot open the PDF anymore. The same file with a shorter name does work without any issues.

Normally I would file a bug report on Github, but I believe it might be the same bug as described here.

Thanks Yannis, I still can’t get it to work so have posted on Github…