Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Screenshot
- Current Features
- Code
This is:
- a safe subset of File management from within Logseq, proof-of-concept
- it doesn’t depend on it
- the unsecure now builds on top of the safe
- to either:
- use as it is for:
- exploring folder hierarchies
- opening files or folders in external applications
- build custom functionality on top of it
- this is the real feature, not to replace other explorers
- use as it is for:
Current Features
- Use a simple macro to turn any block into a node about your file system, e.g.:
{{foldername C:/pathto/parentfolder}}
- Such blocks can be safely:
- deleted:
- no changes to the file system
- moved:
- position is irrelevant
- copied:
- no changes to the file system
- each copy is independent
- deleted:
- Hover to show the available buttons.
- Here only one and only for folders, but custom buttons are supported.
- Simple
on the name of an entry to ask the operating system to open that folder or file. - Simple
on buttonRead
to see if that path currently exists in the file system. Alt + click
on buttonRead
to auto-generate blocks in a hierarchy that matches the one currently on the drive.- This may take some time for big trees.
- Try first with a small one.
- Repeat to refresh:
- The blocks are not synced with the file system.
- Any outdated blocks get deleted.
- Copies don’t get affected.
- Can use this feature for comparisons.
- Copies don’t get affected.
- This may take some time for big trees.
- Expand a folder-block to show its contents.
- Nested blocks don’t get affected by expanding/collapsing.
- They maintain their values since the last
of any of their ancestor blocks.
- They maintain their values since the last
- Nested blocks don’t get affected by expanding/collapsing.
- Zoom on a block to focus as usually.
- At the end of file
, normally inside...\Logseq\app-0.9.18\resources\app\js
:contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('getfs', ()=>({ access: fs.access, readdir: fs.readdir, readdirSync: fs.readdirSync }))
- This needs to be re-added after every update of Logseq.
- Inside file
, insidemacros{}
::filename "<div class='kit filesystem' data-kit='filesystem' data-type='file' data-name='$1'></div>" :foldername "<div class='kit filesystem' data-kit='filesystem' data-type='folder' data-name='$1'></div>"
- Inside file
:button.filesystem { font-size: 12px; line-height: 14px; margin: 0px 8px 0px 8px; padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px; } { background: #ff9900; } div.block-content button.filesystem { visibility: hidden; } div.block-content:hover button.filesystem { visibility: visible; } a.external-link.file-link { border-bottom-style: none; }
- The code below requires having kits inside file
. - Inside page
in Logseq, put the following code in a javascript code-block:
const LS = logseq.api
const Module = logseq.Module
const Kits = Module.Kits
function statusMsg(status, msg){
Module.Msg.ofStatus(msg, status)
const error = statusMsg.bind(null, "error")
const info = statusMsg.bind(null, "info")
const success = statusMsg.bind(null, "success")
const fs = window.getfs && getfs()
if (!fs) return error("missing fs")
const Block = (Module.Block || Module.setChild("Block"))
.setStatic(function forEachChild(block, cb){
block.children.find( (arr)=>{
const child = LS.get_block(arr[1])
if (child) return cb(child)
.setStatic(function parentOf(block){
return LS.get_block(
const FS = Module.setChild("FileSystem")
.setStatic(function appendButtonsForBlock(div, block){
const blockId = block.uuid
if ( div.append(
FS.button("Read", FS.onReadClicked, blockId)
.setStatic(function button(name, handler, arg){
const btn = Kits.createElementOfClass("button", "filesystem", name)
btn.classList.add(name.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "-"))
Kits.addClickEventToButton(handler.bind(null, arg), btn)
return btn
.setStatic(function deleteMissingBlockChildren(block, cb){
const rest = []
var rem = 0
Block.forEachChild(block, (child)=>{
rem += 1
fs.access(FS.fullPathOfBlock(child), (err)=>{
if (err) {
console.log("DELETED BLOCK: " + FS.nameOfBlock(child))
} else {
if (!--rem) cb(rest)
if (!rem) cb(rest)
.setStatic(function fullPathOfBlock(block){
const name = FS.nameOfBlock(block)
return (!name) ? "" : FS.pathOfBlock(Block.parentOf(block)) + name
.setStatic(function iconForBlock(block){
const props =
return (props.foldername) ? "" : FS.iconForFilename(props.filename)
.setStatic(function iconForFilename(filename){
return ""
.setStatic(function insertChildBlock(parentBlock, path, name){
const property = FS.isFolder(path + "/" + name) ? "foldername" : "filename"
const nameblock = {properties: {[property]: name}}
var found
Block.forEachChild(parentBlock, (sibling)=>{
if (FS.nameCompare(sibling, nameblock) > -1) return found = sibling
if (found && !FS.nameCompare(found, nameblock)) return found.uuid
const customUUID = LS.new_block_uuid()
const properties = {[property]: name}
const options = {customUUID, properties}
if (found) {
options.before = true
options.sibling = true
const content = "{{" + property + " " + name + "}}"
const uuid = (found || parentBlock).uuid
LS.insert_block(uuid, content, options)
.setStatic(function isFolder(path){
try { fs.readdirSync(path) }
catch { return false }
return true
.setStatic(function nameCompare(a, b){
const aprops =
const bprops =
const aname = aprops.filename
const bname = bprops.filename
if (aname && !bname) return 1
if (!aname && bname) return -1
const prop = (aname) ? "filename" : "foldername"
return aprops[prop].toLowerCase().localeCompare(bprops[prop].toLowerCase())
.setStatic(function nameOfBlock(block){
const properties =
return properties.foldername || properties.filename
.setStatic(function nameOfErr(err){
return err.message.slice(0, err.message.indexOf(":"))
.setStatic(function onReadClicked(blockId, e){
const block = LS.get_block(blockId)
fs.access(FS.fullPathOfBlock(block), (err)=>{
if (err) return info("doesn't exist")
if (e.altKey) FS.updateTreeBlock(block)
else info("Alt to read")
.setStatic(function onTreeBlockUpdated(spanIcon, iconHtml, res){
spanIcon.innerHTML = iconHtml
if (res === "done") success("done")
else error(res)
.setStatic(function pathOfBlock(block){
const foldername = block &&
return (!foldername) ? "" : pathOfBlock(Block.parentOf(block)) + foldername + "/"
.setStatic(function sortBlocks(blocks){
var previous
const options = {sibling: true}
blocks.forEach( (block)=>{
if (previous) {
LS.move_block(block.uuid, previous.uuid, options)
previous = block
.setStatic(function updateChildren(parentBlock, cb){
var rem = 0
Block.forEachChild(parentBlock, (child)=>{
if (! return;
rem += 1
FS.updateFolderBlock(child, ()=>{ if (!--rem) cb("done") } )
if (!rem) cb("done")
.setStatic(function updateDiv(div, blockId){
const divParent = div.closest(".block-content")
const divProps = divParent.querySelector(".block-properties div")
const block = LS.get_block(blockId)
const spanIcon = Kits.createElementOfClass("span", "ti")
spanIcon.innerHTML = FS.iconForBlock(block)
const link = Kits.createElementOfClass("a", "external-link", FS.nameOfBlock(block))
link.href = "file:///" + FS.fullPathOfBlock(block) = '_blank'
divProps.prepend(spanIcon, " ", link)
FS.appendButtonsForBlock(divProps, block)
.setStatic(function updateFolderBlock(block, cb){
const path = FS.fullPathOfBlock(block)
const uuidParent = block.uuid
fs.readdir(path, (err, names)=>{
if (err) return cb(FS.nameOfErr(err) + ": " + path)
FS.deleteMissingBlockChildren(block, (rest)=>{
if (!names.length) return cb("done");
if (rest.length) FS.sortBlocks(rest)
names.forEach( (name)=>{
FS.insertChildBlock(block, path, name)
block = LS.get_block(uuidParent)
if (!rest.length) LS.set_block_collapsed(uuidParent, true)
FS.updateChildren(block, cb)
.setStatic(function updateTreeBlock(block){
const selector = " [blockid='" + block.uuid + "'] .ti"
const spanIcon = document.querySelector(selector)
const cb = FS.onTreeBlockUpdated.bind(null, spanIcon, spanIcon.innerHTML)
spanIcon.innerHTML = ""
FS.updateFolderBlock(block, cb)
logseq.kits.setStatic(function filesystem(div){
const type = div.dataset.type
const name =
const blockId = div.closest(".ls-block").getAttribute("blockid")
LS.upsert_block_property(blockId, type + "name", name)
setTimeout(FS.updateDiv, 0, div, blockId) // wait UI
FS.fs = fs