Filters for note body, not just backlinks

On this FR there is the tag “estimate-large”, that’s probably how the team says “we are aware and welcome the proposal but it will take time because it is not trivial”.

I can’t speak for this particular case, but sometimes a feature that looks trivial from a user point of view is very complex from the developer point of view :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s good that Logseq has linked ref filters (although they are very unwieldy on pages with a lot of tags, should have search, overflow so they don’t take over the whole screen, etc). However, I really miss the ability to filter page contents from Roam.

For example, you could imagine that you inserted a lot of #metareflections in paper notes, and you want to only see these, or exclude these. (Only seeing them can be done through a query, but excluding them cannot).

It would also be really powerful if you could include page tags in a global filter. Imagine you import a bunch of academic notes from Roam, and you could filter from seeing just the academic subset of your notes, including when you search/query etc, or just the personal notes, or all.

Edit from mod: This and some messages below were moved here from a similar post.

Came here to make this same post.

A use-case I would use every day: filter OUT blocks containing “DONE”. (Getting the completed tasks out of view helps to focus on what remains to be done)

This should be merged with the previous request?

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Yes please! This is a must to my workflow

Edit from mod: This and some messages above were moved here from a similar post.


Any progress? There is hope? :upside_down_face:


any update? any plugin available?

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Second this. Would be great to have this feature.


The logseq-filterpage-plugin helps you to quickly filter the current page based on references/tags that you want to include or exclude.




Amazing. Thanks so much!

This Plugin seems to have some issues. Doesn´t work everytime for me. But i really like the simplicity and hope some more people will jump on board. As for today it only has 5 downloads…

Have pushed a fix today. Not sure if it solves the issue you are describing. If it doesn’t, feel free to let me know here.

I have the feeling this plug in only works on parent level blocks. If I try it on a test page it works fine. But trying to apply it to my existing pages like my quote page (which works with block-properties) or my book summeries (which work with lots of child blocks) it doesn´t seem to work at all.

Do you mind sharing your page for me to test?

I sent you a PM.
The strucutre where i tested it and where it failed is basically:

with properties

  • Childblock
    • Childblock with Page or Tag