Forgetting links

I feel a bit dumb for asking this question, but basically I tend to forget the links I created, especially if I created them a long time ago. So when I stumble upon an info that could be linked with an already existing link, I tipically just create a new similar link and screw it all up. How do you deal with this?

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What do you mean “linked with an already existing link”? Could you provide an example?

I always type [[]] first to search for pages. Sometimes I pull up the search modal (Cmd-k) and search for pages before creating the link. It’s not perfect, but it helps me to keep fresh in mind what’s in my graph which makes it more likely I use existing links instead of creating new pages for terms/concepts.


I do like @Ramses, when I want to tag/link to something, if I don’t search for likely terms, I am likely to create a new variant that will mess me up. I have some of that that I haven’t cleaned up yet. Just living with it. :crazy_face:

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