Frontmatter as standard YAML?

Is there any way to use standard YAML in the frontmatter such that other applications can more readily process the markdown file?

I tried using a template with the YAML ‘—’ inserted but this automatically renders as a stylized straight line of full width with a regular text block and not frontmatter block.

While I’m here, how will database version handle frontmatter?

I don’t have an answer, but I’m curious where it is documented that (em dash) is standard YAML. I thought --- (three hyphens) was standard. But that being said, I have run into some YAML discrepancies with other programs

Thanks @Lucas. It seems my text didn’t render properly. I did try to type the standard three hyphens --- but it then appeared as a single line. I’ve now just seen that I need to [insert coding term here] put it in a code block to make it render properly.

In any case, this won’t solve the issue in Logseq. The same dynamic here in the forum is occurring in Logseq.

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Okay. I just did some more testing. I’m not an expert, but it appears that it’s a question of whether Logseq recognizes the YAML. For example, on my Logseq installation, the following renders properly as YAML:

property: value

Whereas the following does not render as YAML:


In the latter case, when the YAML is not recognized, it appears that Logseq will “bulletize” the entry in the markdown file, adding an extra hyphen and space at the beginning (as can be seen by opening the file in a text editor).

But when the YAML is recognized, it appears to remain intact and be readable by other apps.