Go to a specific date (even in the future)

I think there is a “disconnect” between what is being asked here. ( or maybe I am seeing it differently? )

I would like the DISPLAY of the date to show the “day of week” but the actual page name to not change formats.

Meaning looking at the page I want to see a title of “2023/08/08 Tuesday”, but I want the links to it to be [[2023/08/08]] and NOT [[2023/08/08 Tuesday]] . The later link is so much harder to "know how to type/link to than just using the date digits. and the two example links would be “different pages”. Which makes altering the ‘Preferred data format’ not acceptable to me. ( It is not just driving the display, but how the data is stored too. )

While I understand the paradigm of the page name being the title, in this case I think there is a distinction between the requirement/desire for the name to be ‘unique, stable, simple’ (for storage and linking reasons) vs the 'information the human wants from the ‘page name’ at time of use.

REF: When changing between date formats backlinks to journal pages aren't valid anymore and pages with dates are created · logseq/logseq · Discussion #7933 · GitHub
REF: Uniform journal page date formatting; only use date format setting to render dates displayed to user