Greetings! A chaplain using Logseq

I have been using Logseq for a bit now, and have appreciated some of OneSutteringMind’s YouTube videos.
I continue to learn daily how to utilize my face to face interaction with Logseq. My work is not a work where I spend lots of time in front of my screen. I am often reading books (#theology and #biblicalStudies) and hand writing notes. I then type them up into logseq. I have been working on formatting them better as Zettles (slips) to utilize them for sermon and blog post writing.
I also use Logseq as my todo manager. Though I have been having a hard time figuring that out, so any pointers there would be helpful. I would really like for my unfinished todo tasks to resurface in my journal each day.
Blessings on your day,


Hey Dan. Welcome. Once I get the ToDos all dialed in for my normal days… I want to utilize LogSeq for study also. Kind of like a personal Concordance and cross reference solution. This plus my notes around apologetics Im hoping will yield the ability to personally publish in a blog type format for different conversations that I have going at any time around the gospel. I’ll be curious how you continue to implement. Probably need to get a licensed translation embeded at some point for longer inductive studies. So many ideas…one day at a time. :slight_smile:

Hi. You may find useful this thread.

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I do a lot of things long hand and then transfer to logseq. That being said, my process for prepping worship utilizes the Revised Common Lectionary. I have a digital resource (Prepare! by Cokesbury) that allows me to copy-paste the NRSVUE or CEB perciopies into LogSeq. I create a page for each Sunday of the church year with the four texts as page embeds. In three years, when I come around to the passages again, I will see my notes there (again, first done longhand, then cleaned and typed up) and remind myself what I thought in the past, and what to try to look ‘beyond’ in reading the commentaries.
This has worked quite well it has developed quite a bit as I have used it, but I can clean things up when I come back around to them again.

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Really appreciate sharing this. That will save so much time!