Hello from Southern California

Greetings to all my fellow Logseq enthusiasts. I’ve been using Logseq constantly since October 2023 and absolutely love it. I have installed Logseq on multiple machines, all synchronized with Syncthing. Looking forward to learning from everyone!


Welcome to the community @Derek7! :wave: Feel free to ask any question in Questions & Help, or DM me directly if you don’t think the community can help you.

What are your main use cases for Logseq?

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Thank you Ramses. Everyone is different of course, but two of my use cases are:

  • Help clarify thinking. As I describe an issue in outline form, it becomes better organized, which creates greater clarity, leading to ideas and possible solutions.

  • Meditative writing. This means typing out whatever occurs to you in stream-of-consciousness fashion. People who do this say they are sometimes surprised by what bubbles up from the subconscious mind – and that is certainly my experience as well.

How about your use cases?

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I mostly use Logseq for task and project management. I also write quite a bit and use Logseq for all of my outlines.

I’ve done this in the past and liked it a lot. But I’ve now moved over to journaling by hand as I like how it slows me down.

If you have any questions about Logseq, never hesitate to DM!

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