Hello logseq community,
i found this query somewhere on github/gist and i wanted to add a final sort-by at the end of the query.
I failed after trying to learn advanced queries. The query creates a table with pages and counts the TODOs on each page. In a final step i want to sort the output by page(name).
How would i do that?
{ :title "TODO by page"
:query [
:find (pull ?b [
{ :block/page [ :db/id :block/name] }
:where [?b :block/marker "TODO" ]
(fn [result]
(map (fn [[key value]] {
:page (get key :block/name)
:count (count value)
:block/page result)
:view (fn [rows] [:table
[:thead [:tr [:th "Page"] [:th "Count"] ] ]
(for [r rows] [:tr
[:td [:a {:href (str "#/page/" (get r :page))} (get r :page)] ]
[:td (get r :count)] ])
]] ) }