Help writing an advanced query that matches this simple query

In this thread, the following query is used to match blocks that are tagged #inbox:

  {:title [:h6 "Blocks tagged #inbox"]
   :query [:find (pull ?h [*])
           :in $ ?target
           [?p :block/name ?target]
           [?h :block/refs ?p]] 
   :inputs ["inbox"]
   :table-view? false}

However, the above query does not find blocks like this:

- #inbox
  - hello world

Instead, this simple query finds all blocks referring #inbox, including hello world above:

{ :query [[inbox]] }

How do I write an advanced query that returns the same results as the :query block above?

Not sure what :query ([[inbox]]) is suppose to be honestly.

But for both simple and your posted advanced query the block - #inbox is returned.
- hello world is a child of - #inbox and is therefore also shown as well.

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Fixed the simple query above.

Thank you for the response, that’s helpful. And you’re right, indeed, that block gets returned, which I hadn’t noticed.

But that makes me realize I oversimplified my question. This query gives me a list of all the TODO blocks tagged with #inbox:

 :query (and (task TODO) [[inbox]])

However, I want to further filter this and only display the TODO blocks that 1) have a schedule associated with them, and 2) are scheduled for today or earlier.

I’m finding no way to do this with :query. When I used the advanced query below instead:

   { :query [:find (pull ?b [* {:block/_parent ...}])
            :in $ ?date ?tag
            :where [?b :block/scheduled ?day]
                   [(<= ?day ?date)]
                   [?p :block/name ?tag]
                   [?b :block/refs ?p]
                   [?b :block/marker ?marker]
                   [(contains? #{"TODO"} ?marker)]
                   [?b :block/content ?desc]]
    :inputs [:today "inbox"]

…it leaves out the block I mentioned above (where the TODO block is a child of the #inbox tag).

EDIT: Addressed in SCHEDULED tasks with a tag in the parent

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