i dived into app and open source environment to find all in one solution for work.
i’m independant, teacher, but no IT education
logseq could be part of an info-system when its versatility will make it possible to sync freely between any device - with a portable version for universities PCs - or a server version with cloud synchro …
hoping for this to come true
I’ve decided to test logseq in class, to mark classgroups progressions
nice to meet you
after meeting the IT manager of the campus (state high school)
it seems Logseq can’t be a solution for us ;(
it seems that Obsidian will do the job as the config file is inside the graph (vault) folder
my choice would have been towards Logseq for many reasons
for many reasons
but choive is not mine - in the end, the machine technical aspects will come first
before usage and needs of the humans

What do you mean by this?
hi @mentaloid
and thank you for your concern … I’m no technician - my answer might be too short
each time a session starts on the school computers, everything is set back to an ‘original state’ - only the files in the document folder, and the bookmarks of the browser remain in place
when Logseq starts, it creates a folder in C:/…/user/App/local/… someting like that (i’m not at school right now)
every setting and the logseq config files are kept here, and so erased after a session is closed and reopened - every setting has to be re-set, including the designation of the graph folder
when obsidian keeps settings and plugins in the graph (vault) folder, and config in the Portable folder
this makes it difficult for the technicians to use Logseq
they pretend that Obsidian could be more easily used in portable app or installed in windows on their server
i don’t think that’s a preference between the softwares or theirs, because no one knew about any PKM before I mentioned them
does this answer your question?
is their any information you could share with our technicians at school?
It is doable. But if Obsidian covers the rest of the requirements, it is indeed an easier option.
Maybe I’m wrong but just wanted to ask something similar/related to this. Has not the graph a included config.edn? Does this file overwrites main config.edn? or are different purposes?
There is local and global config. Check the links for details.
@mentaloid can you please explain “Obsidian covers the rest of the requirements”?
I mean the requirements set by your school’s needs. Logseq and Obsidian may overlap in basic note-taking, but after that point they have big differences that may dictate the decision. For example, if open-source is a requirement, Obsidian doesn’t cover it.
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After a few months using Obsidian, I’m quite dis-satisfied by it.
I’m waiting for Logseq to evolve, to be more easily synchronised in iPhones and maybe to work online when installed on a server …