Hi from Huntsville, AL

Back in the early 90’s I did a lot of work with the RS/6000 (RISC architecture). What impressed me the most about that architecture, was that file access was faster than accessing the same data in a database.

Granted, it was an entirely different paradigm than what I was used to (Windows and UNIX), and nowadays it really doesn’t matter speed wise – but the idea of using file-descriptors and file-systems is powerful – especially today with the many competing technologies and the need for interoperability.

I have half-heartedly tried other PKM platforms (OneNote, apple’s ‘Journal.app’, etc) but have invariably hit the ‘not-made-here’ wall when I had to switch to a different OS/Platform.

I have been working with logseq for [about] a day now. It is quite refreshing. Still working through the acronyms (PKM - Personal Knowledge Management, GTD - Getting Things Done approach, etc.). But conceptually, I am sold.

Today – I am working on syncing data between my Mac and my iPhone. The approach I am using is to store my data in iCloud, but I have run in to an interesting problem. When I take a picture on my phone and link it to a journal entry: the picture shows up fine on my phone; but I get the textual link on my Mac - that does not resolve in to a picture.

I have verified that the jpg itself is being created in iCloud, and I can see it from both platforms.

The other [less important] problem is that the preferred workflow does not get used on the “other” platform. If I create a task (with TODO/DOING workflow) on my phone; it appears as a NOW/LATER workflow on my Mac.

Instead of hammering through it on my own – thought I would ask the community. What am I missing?



Quick update: If I go to finder, And force a sync, I can see the image.

So I wonder if this is outside the purview of Logseq?