Hi from Portugal

Hey guys,

I’m Rik, Dutch but living in Portugal. I work as a technical consultant and desperately needed exactly what Logseq is offering - a piece of software to organize the vast amount of information that I deal with, and allow me to find just the right details within seconds without asking myself where I put it.
Currently learning the ins and outs of the program. I’ve been following your discussions for a while and I figured I should join your forum to ask my questions and contribute my view on things where that’s helpful.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you.



Welkom in de community, @Rwo079! :wave:

Fellow Dutchie @Bas_Grolleman has a great YouTube channel with tutorials and deep dives into the inner workings of Logseq. Also, @Dario_DS’s YouTube channel is worth following with lots of content about Logseq but also the wider knowledge management ecosystem. And there’s a simple onboarding guide inside of Logseq (see ? in the bottom right > Handbook).

Feel free to DM me any time you have questions.


Nice! That’s really helpful, thanks!

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Hi @Rwo079 ,

It would be nice to start find more LogSeq users here in Portugal, to share experiences and information.

I plan (not sure I’ll be able) to make a small lightning talk on my knowledge management tools in https://festa2024.softwarelivre.eu/ next month.

Should anyone care (and is able) to join me there, we could be nice.

All the best,
Gerardo Lisboa

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Hi Gerardo,

I coincidentally learned of the Festa do Software Livre just yesterday and have it set in my agenda. So yes, I will come join you there! I live in Porto, so it’s quite close.


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I’ll try to setup the lightning talk :slight_smile:

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