Hi I am Marc and I love Logseq


About 2 weeks ago I discovered logseq. And I love it.

I hope I can contribute in some way to this fantastic project.



Welcome, Marc! I saw you’re working on a plugin already. No better way to learn the deeper parts of Logseq than to tinker with it :slight_smile:


Hi Marc: What were you using before & why the change? Thank you

I was using Obsidian. Not so long, like less than a month. I switched to Logseq due to several little annoyances of Obsidian. I have to say that Logseq’s open approach is nice! The textfile .md is the basis and can use it without hazzard cross my phone and pc. I like doing longer work on my pc and taking short notes or todo’s on my phone. Obsidian proved obstrusive promoting it’s paying service. I even lost some info with their “vault” system and forced incompatibility with my cloud storage.

I am pretty impressed with logseq, I’ve been using it for a little more than a month. I was/am planning to do a review of “my first 30d with Logqeq”. I am not a youtuber or such. But I think it would provide some useful feedback to the community supporting this, can i say “awesome” software?

“One note taking app to rule them all”. I tried confluece that supported markdown long, long, long time ago. Other note taking mediums like paper notebooks (moleskine), reMarkable, Google Docs, Obsidian… The sequential note taking in a central unique logbook, text based of which I, the user, can claim complete ownership of… is just pure.

Anyway, even when the 30d haven’t been without a hickup, all things taken together, I think I am staying with Logseq for a while.


@Yaaqoub777: what is your experience and interest in Logseq?

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I agree with your experience with Obsidian and why you moved to Logseq. I have taken the same path. I know Logseq is working on updating it’s site and excited for the news. All the best! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi, sorry for the late reply. I somehow missed this post.

I was indeed looking into getting to know logseq a bit better since I encountered some performance issues. I had activated a bunch of recommended plug-ins and my logseq was running slow, chatgpt was throwing an unexplained error… among other errors.
So while I am not going to make a plug-in, I believe I will try again later, or next version, to look deeper into how to get to the error codes.
A month later (oops!) I have de-activated most of the plug-ins and focus on the core functionality of logseq: note taking.

Thanks for your interest!