Hi there to everybody here

How do you do?
I came across the topic of personal knowledge management (PKM) and Niklas Luhmann’s Zettelkasten by chance last year.
Of course, I also came across the well-known tools such as Obsidian, Notion and Logseq.
I liked Logseq best because it is open source and free.
Inevitably, I also came across this forum when I had problems and have almost always been able to find a solution.
I use Logseq privately on my Linux computer and for the clubs I work for.
What I am still puzzling over and trying out is how to build a graph in a meaningful way. There are definitely different approaches. Some people start writing in the journal, others create their own pages. I’m currently doing a mixture of both. I’ll probably only be able to tell how good it is when the graph in question is very comprehensive, whether I can actually find the information and notes I’m looking for.
But I really like the tool and enjoy using it.


New user here too,

usually i put thoughts into jurnal and then cut that block into a specific page once the thought is fully realized and i know where it belongs.
Until then i just add a few “#page” references to what the thought is related to, in the journal entry.

I also have Topic/_Notes and Topic/_WatchLater “special” pages, for most topics.
And then i can use SomeTopic/_Notes as a journal specific to that topic, instead of polluting the global journal with a mix of all thoughts and topics.

Because its better to localize thoughts as much as possible, for easier retreival. Instead of putting it all in the global journal and then searching for all references of some topic in there.

If having organized information on a topic is more important to you than knowing on which exact date you had that thought. Journal might be better then for todo lists for example, since the focus is time rather than topic.


Thank you very much, these are good tips!