Hold my place when I go back to a page


A common use-case for me is something like:

  • Take minutes of a meeting as a series of unstructured notes
  • Go back through the notes after the meeting, adding lots of links, as needed
    • As I go, I often jump into the pages I’m linking to, do some quick editing, and then jump back to the minutes page
  • When I jump back, the page reloads, and I lose my place.

Today’s example was a 4 hour meeting, with 300+ blocks and nearly 3000 words. Finding my place again is fairly time consuming. This was a particularly bad example, but I often take notes pages with 50-100 blocks, which are just as annoying to jump back in to.

It would be really cool if Logseq held my place (approximately at least) when I jumped back (or forward) into the page (using the cmd/ctrl + [ / ] shortcuts. Centering on the last selected/edited block would be enough for my purposes.

Related but different request at Page is unfocused when going back

There’s a plugin for that:
Save Scrollbar Position