I am new, and have spent several days, learning about properties, tags, namespaces, templates, queries etc
I am trying to document my physical world in terms of the objects I own, creating a single place for:
purchase details - receipts, warranty
user manuals, custom guides,
insurance details if applicable.
So my idea is that physical Objects have their own page, eg my car, my printer etc and I can add page properties for type, purchasedate, cost, licensenumber, serialnumber etc, using templates
If we continue with my two examples - MyCar - this has insurance, with a number of properties (dates etc) and associated assets (insurance certificate pdf, insurance terms pdf etc) - Should this be a block on MyCar? or a separate page? I would like to be able to have a query, to list in a table all my Insurances, with a link to the object that is covered. It would be great if I can set a renewal date, that turns into a task, as well. Currently I am thinking that the Insurance would be a separate page but using NameSpace and it being a child of MyCar - ie MyCar/Insurance. Printer - this has some config, an admin URL etc, I would document that on the Printer page itself. It would also have warranty, similar to Insurance, with certain properties and associated PDF assets, I am leaning towards having this as a block on the object page. Again, I would like to create a query, giving me a list of all things I own with warranty, including expiry date etc.
Has anybody done a similar use case, for a smallish inventory, that also covers insurance, and warranties?
There are multiple ways you could implement this :
Use subpages (eg MyCar/Insurance, MyCar/Buy, MyCar/Repairs)
Use tags (eg #MyCar)
For the properties (like buy date etc) I’m using a template
You can also add a #inventory hashtag to all items to query for all items you have, or use hierachical tags, eg #inventory/computer, #inventory/car etc to further refine it
For the attached documents, I distinguish :
for small pictures of the item, its packaging, or small PDF attachments, I directly attach the file/picture into the logseq page. Keep also in mind that you can use subdirs in the /assets folder if you’d like to separate a bit the files and keep a certain order
for bigger files (sometimes the ref manual is several 10s MBytes), I put a link to the document I have uploaded into my nextcloud
invoices etc actually go into my DMS (I’m using paperless-ngx), and I only insert the URL of the document. This is mainly because these documents are more likely to be seeked by company/tags/textual content/… and logseq is not able to handle this as well as a DMS can
But overall you could also use logseq as a full DMS, just with crippled feature set compared to a real DMS application
Also consider reducing the size of data when syncing to a smartphone
Thanks very much for the reply - I think I will go the subpages route, but have come to realise the same thing you have (and solved), in that all data will go to all sync points, which you may not want, I was thinking of two vaults, but I didn’t like that idea.
Thanks for the pointer to paperless-ngz, will fire up a docker instance to check that out shortly…
After a week, I appreciate even more how you are correct, logseq handling of PDFs is actually really nice, but it is not a DMS.
paperless-ngx is very good, for home use I think it is perfect, simple and not filled with unused features or complexity.
To make links to Paperless Documents clear in logseq, I created a logseq macro that inserts a link and an emoji - it also make it possible in the future to update the URL format of all links in logseq if needed.
There is an iOS app that works fine, but I enabled mail integration in paperless, so I can then use Microsoft Lens that has superior camera document scanning features, and then ‘share’ via email, this means I can for example scan a receipt anywhere without exposing or direct connect to my home network.
For accessing documents on mobile, I think the browser is sufficient for my needs, and some documents I will store in both systems (logseq and paperless), like Certificate of Insurance etc