How can a user track time in Logseq?

[I’m posting a number of questions, hopefully I or others will provide answers]


I hightly relies on org-clock-in for time log. But there some other things that user can adopt to their own work flow. For example, time-block technique, which the user assign a specific goal during the time period and only focus on the things closely related to the content belong to the block.

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I’ve used org’s time tracking in the past and I love it. Currently I moved my whole workflow to .md is it possible to still use org-clock-in in a markdown file? Or does it need to be a .org file?


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This is a very abstract answer. Hopefully someone can provide some low-level info, such as: what do I type or click to start timing a task, to stop timing a task, to see how many minutes have passed, to add up multiple timing sessions for one task, etc.?


I found some documentation on the Org site:

None of this seems to work though. :thinking: Checking tasks as done seem to log the time between task creation and done, but that’s not very helpful.

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Apparently start time is set when the task is marked as “NOW”, not on creation. So you can start and end tasks pretty well. But only tasks.

To me, three different ways.

  1. The one cited above, to write manually time on the open block that I will work today

  2. Using TODO ! When you use todo/doing/done or now/waiting/later, you have a clock-time inside your todo. At each time that you will move a todo to doing or now, the clock will start. When you have finish, click on doing or now again, if the task is not done, you will see the time passed on it on the right. If it’s done just check the box. You will can query it and access to logbook where all task time is conserved.

  3. Pomodoro, there is too plugin for it. The one named itself Pomodoro, the other is Agenda.
    I prefer the one on Agenda as it keep track of all the pomodoro you did.

I personnaly use 2 and 3 method together. Like that I can see the overall time needed to accomplish a work, and the effective time worked, without procrastination or pauses.