How not to show all the block link addresses all together?

Hi! Hope everyone is fine! I use block links a lot. And sometimes I need to put multiple block links in one line.

like this:

Then when the cursor is on the line, all the block links show all the link addresses and make it really difficult to understand and edit.

like this: (((65730af3-75e5-476f-95f0-f48b00785298)) = ((65730b4f-e03e-45c6-a692-65c6783e10c7)))? ((65730b50-37f5-45a7-9443-61013a18bf8a)) : ((65730b51-a06a-4a1a-b8d0-7a95aff2962d)).

Is there any way not to show all the link address all together? At least only the link when the cursor is on the link?

like this:

Welcome. I think that the answer is no (unless implementing custom editing). Seems like all these links should be pages instead of blocks. Do you mind sharing the reasoning behind or workflow of your approach?