How to add additional priorities beyond A/B/C?

This seems like such a rudimentary question, but I can’t find the answer anywhere!

How can I add priorities other than A/B/C? Even just adding “D” would be fine, but I tend to use an Eisenhower Matrix to evaluate the urgency/importance of my tasks, and that’s four categories (urgent and important, urgent but not important, important but not urgent, neither urgent nor important). The last one is distinct from “doesn’t have any priority assigned.” (Usually I end up deleting those tasks eventually, but sometimes I want to do them even though they’re neither urgent nor important, just amusing, for example, and this state is distinct from tasks I’ve created but not yet had a chance to evaluate for priority.)

I’d love to be able to set custom priorities, but even just being able to add a fourth one would suffice for my purposes.

Welcome to Logseq and the community @smeej! :wave:

Unfortunately, you can’t add any priorities that are accessible via the / menu. You’d have to use another tag (you could just use #D) and then just write a query for it (see the lesson tag on this forum for more info about queries).

There’s a major update of Logseq in the works that will give much more control over tasks and priorities and lets you create your own statuses. I can’t tell when it’ll be ready as I don’t know (could be early next year).