How to create a <<proper>> HTML in LogSeq

I have been using LogSeq for a few months and am really pleased with the point and note taking and graphing features.

Having built up the notes in LogSeq it is natural to continue writing in this tool. My problem is that transforming from LogSeq’s MD to, say, Blogger’s HTML or Medium or Word is borderline nightmarish.

For example, I spent almost two days fixing a LogSeq article with photos, tables and a few standard styles to get it to html format without bullets. For example, I had to redo the markdown tables.

Is there a guide that helps one learn how to approach this challenge?


months ago, i used a plugin “Doc View Exporter” which was good to export my logseq page to html, it worked fine with me and impressed me a lot, maybe you can have a try

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Thanks for the suggestion - will search it.

Admit I don’t recall it coming up in the plugins menu. I had been looking for a unified tool coving the spectrum of idea-development, thought-process and knowledge gathering and LogSeq appears to address these for me.

If after all the effort, the product falls short at the tail end, it would be a pity. For me it could be a show stopper because, after all, the efforts to gather and process knowledge cumulate in producing an output.