How to do a fresh install of LogSeq?


I’ve tried LogSeq in the past on my MacBook M1 and became baffled and gave up. Recently more and more people whose work I respect are advocating LogSeq. So, I’m taking another run at it, but pretty baffled again so far.

The first question is, it looks like I have data populating from my previous attempts. It’s pretty much useless because it only contains headings and no links or additional text.

How can I get rid of any previous LogSeq data and do a fresh install?

I don’t know about Mac but on Linux there is an hidden folder (.config) in our home. Logseq files are stored in .config/Logseq.

On the Apple support forum there is this image showing how to open your .config folder so I guess you could take a look there:

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Thank you, @alex0 but no luck.

Maybe there is a hidden .logseq folder in your Home?
