I’m using templates as a way to insert checklists in my notes, to drive a workflow.
Unfortunately, my custom query for TODO items include these templates (that have checkboxes) but for obvious reasons I don’t want the checkboxes to be “checked”.
Is there any way I can exclude templates?
{ :title "⭐️ Focus"
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?today ?tomorrow
[?b :block/marker ?m]
(not [(contains? #{"DONE" "CANCELED"} ?m)])
[(get-else $ ?b :block/scheduled ?tomorrow) ?d]
[(contains? #{"NOW" "DOING"} ?m)]
[(<= ?d ?today)])]
;;:inputs [:today :1d-after]
:inputs [:today 99990101]
:breadcrumb-show? true
:collapsed? false}
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@francescob did you ever find a solution?
This sounds doable. Could you provide some example blocks and templates?
I resorted to adding a tag to the template and excluding it. I don’t love it, but it allowed me to use the simple syntax
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I have a template (in org-mode format) called “Plan my day” where I have a sequence of TODOs that I go through in order to get up and running, e.g.
* Plan my day
:template: Plan my day
** TODO Start *Pomodoro* timer
** TODO Turn on *focus music*
** TODO Put desk in *standing* mode and turn *walking pad* on
** TODO Connect devices to *charge*
* ...
Now I would like to create a table on the [[TODO]] page where I list all TODOs sorted by priority, but of course excluding those from my templates.
I have the sorting and everything working, the simplified query looks something like this:
{ :title "TODOs"
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?current-page
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[?b :block/page ?p]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "WAIT" "LATER"} ?marker)]
:result-transform (fn [result]
(sort-by (fn [h]
(get h :block/priority "Z")) (map (fn [r] (assoc r :block/properties {"priority" (get r :block/priority)})) result)))
:collapsed? false
I’m just missing the piece how to exclude the “Plan my day” and all other templates containing TODOs.
So you mean excluding by property template::
of either:
Great, thank you @mentaloid !!
For reference, here’s the full query:
{:title "Query Excluding Template Sub-blocks"
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ %
[?b :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO" "DOING" "NOW"} ?marker)]
(not [?ancestor :block/properties ?props]
[(get ?props :template)]
(ancestor ?ancestor ?b))]
:rules [[(ancestor ?a ?b)
[?b :block/parent ?a]]
[(ancestor ?a ?b)
[?b :block/parent ?t]
(ancestor ?a ?t)]]
:collapsed? false}