How to export to Word and maintain the outline structure?

I’ve been doing long-form writing in LogSeq and now need to export to Word for formatting and exchange with others. I played with the “copy / export as” menu, all options end up as ‘unformatted’ text in Word. Meaning, the imported text in Word neither entails the outline nor the heading structure.

Are there good practices or work arounds for export to Word that maintain the nested outline structure, or - better - convert hierarchy levels from LogSeq to Word headline levels ?

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I have now converted the Markdown file to docx with pandoc, which preserves the outline structure. However, the conversation generates incredibly long indentations, such that the converted doc is still quite unusable. Every single line needs to be converted manually in suitable format.

Currently, I could only advise against using LogSeq for long form writing if the goal is to later transfer to Word. The overhead created for formatting is insane.

Are there better solutions for this ?

Isn’t this a style configuration that Word can edit?

I don’t know what the issue is.

This here seems to have worked much much better than my conversion: Exporting your formatted notes to Word - YouTube

I did the following:

1.- Installed Obsidian
2.- Used the same folder for Obsidian and Logseq, so all Logseq pages are now visible in Obsidian.
3.- Installed the outliner plugin in obsidian (not sure if needed)
4.- Installed the pandoc export plugin in obsidian.
5.- When I want to export to word, I Open in Obsidian the page I made in Logseq
6.- Export it to word

The result is very usable. And i think playing with Obsidian and Logseq on the same files, is not a very bad idea. I think there may be other user cases for having both working toghether.

I found the convert to PDF via plugin works well. Also lets me copy images inline.

i cant really get obsidian pandoc export to replace my @citekey references with the actual citation. is that working for you?