But I would like to filter out (i.e. not show) tasks that reference or are nested under blocked which reference a page (any page, not specific). Is it possible?
First thing to understand is that a task state (aka TODO etc) is actually secretly a page reference. So all tasks always reference a page.
Second thing to understand the block attribute :block/path-refs contains all references this block or its parents have. However this includes a reference to the page the block is on.
So we have to expand our not to take care of those two things.
{:title [:h3 "☑ Unplanned"]
:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?day
[?p :block/journal-day ?d]
[(< ?d ?day)]
[?b :block/page ?p]
[?b :block/marker ?mark]
[(contains? #{"TODO"} ?mark)]
[?m :block/original-name ?mark] ; get the task page
(not [?b :block/scheduled _])
[?b :block/path-refs ?r] ; references for this block
[(!= ?p ?r)] ; the reference is not the page the block is on
[(!= ?m ?r)] ; the reference is not the task page
:result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [r] (get-in r [:block/page :block/journal-day])) result))
:inputs [:today]
:table-view? false
:breadcrumb-show? true
:collapsed? false