How to format as admonitions?

Hi, I’d want to know how is the syntax or the way to format some text as admonitions (warning, caution, tip, etc)

I’ve read that is a feature, but I didn’t find how to do it.

Thanks in advance

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I think you mean something like:


There is an easier way than typing the above
hit < and choose from the popup :slight_smile:


I have a similar question. I want to modify the basic admonitions to automatically include a tag inside the admonition block. In order to make this tag invisible, I would like to include it in a sub-block called ‘COMMENT’.

In the end, I would like to achieve a result like this:


I want to do this to make future searches of these admonition blocks easier by integrating the tag(s). Is there a way to accomplish this, and if so, how?

Thank you in advance!

Thank you for the solution @ChrisVn

Logseq has a < command menu for this which is similar to the / command menu

Hello, please where this command is documented?

Commands and Advanced commands

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Hi think some very useful or popular actions ( 99% people need) should be documented and linked early in contents doc