How to include links from backlinks in page graph


I’m using the “everything in journal” approach, it seems to prevent me to access real information structure when looking at page graphs.

Example, when writing on Sep 14th, 2022 entry:

- 1:1 with [[John Doe]]
   - we discussed about #project-x
   - he mentioned [[Bob]] having difficulty to focus at the moment

I would expect the graph of John Doe page to show links to project-x and Bob pages.
At the moment, graph only shows a link to Sep 14th, 2022 page.

I understand the reason is that backlinks (“linked references”) are not taken into account.

Would anyone know a way to display graph taking into account backlinks?

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I’m still having this issue (although I’m not using the graph often) so if someone has an idea, I’d be glad to discuss it!