How to mark up acronyms in Logseq Markdown? HTML, including the abbr tag, seems unsupported

The original Markdown documentation indicates that inline HTML should be honored by Markdown implementations, but Logseq does not do this in its visual mode.

It looks like it will export as HTML all right, but is there a way to get HTML to render in the “resting state” of blocks? Or does Logseq by any chance use a flavor of Markdown that has a markup syntax for acronyms/abbreviations (the abbr tag, for example <abbr title="Corporation for the Advancement of Totally Stupid and Useless Projects">CATSUP</abbr>)?

EDIT: Turns out my case was a more subtle bug with inline HTML that can happen when characters touch the outside of the angle brackets, as in non-<abbr title="Software as a Service">SaaS</abbr> (which is what i was typing at the time). Accepting stdword’s answer which correctly notes Logseq supports HTML (…in most circumstances).

Logseq supports HTML:
2024-07-19 02.11.39


Doh, i happened to hit an edge case without realizing it.

I had an abutting character like this—<abbr title="Corporation for the Advancement of Totally Stupid and Useless Projects">CATSUP</abbr>—example here.

Specifically i had non-<abbr title="Software as a Service">SaaS</abbr> and expected it to render as non-SaaS as Discourse does here and did not even think to try it without the dash touching the angle bracket.

I think my bug is covered here: Support Inline_raw_html · Issue #100 · logseq/mldoc · GitHub