How to publish your Logseq as selfhosted site

Please check my article Publish your notes as site


This guide will help you to:

  • configure proxy which will serve any of your self-hosted projects
  • configure syncthing to sync files from your devices with your server
  • deploy your notes as a site

Here is the example

This guide is different for official because it use different approach (docker, self hosted Nginx and automated Lets Encrypt SSL).


Thank you @John_Doe, this is useful :pray:

In the future, please provide more info in the first post, telling specifically what the link is about. You could mention what makes it different from the official publishing guide.

Just posting a link like this seems suspicious, and I think some people will be hesitant to click on something that lacks context. It’s also more likely to get caught by the anti-spam bot.

But again, thank you! Please keep sharing your knowledge.

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Looks like I can’t edit my post.
Thank you for your note, I will do in future.
I will add info here.

This guide will help you to:

  • configure proxy which will serve any of your self-hosted projects
  • configure syncthing to sync files from your devices with your server
  • deploy your notes as a site

Here is the example

This guide is different for official because it use different approach (docker, self hosted Nginx and automated Lets Encrypt SSL).

You can edit a post by clicking on the three-dots icon at bottom-right and then on the pencil icon :slightly_smiling_face:

I tried, I had a message that I do not have permission to do it.

That’s strange, I remember being able to edit my posts. Now I edited it for you :slightly_smiling_face: