How to query all tags and display them

How to query all tags and display them or design a tab function to display all tabs.

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you can get all tags like this:

Query example:  "All page tags"
{:title "All page tags"
:query [:find ?tag-name
      [?tag :page/name ?tag-name]]
:view (fn [tags]
       (for [tag (flatten tags)]
         [ {:href (str "/page/" tag)}
          (str "#" tag)])])}

More tips from logseq official document: Advanced Queries


Thanks, but this query looks up everything with # as a tag

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Hi, I am looking to use this query but to search only “#” tags that I have assigned (#shopping etc) not all pages / links, is that possible? @LittleDolphin

May be Tags Plugin is a good idea.

This is now possible simply with:
{{query (all-page-tags)}}