How to remove a word from the spellcheck dictionary

For some reason an update turned off spellcheck in logseq. As a result I accidentally added a misspelled word to the dictionary. This is on MacOS Ventura 13.3. Does anyone know where this word was added? I don’t know if it is a logseq dictionary or a MacOS one. All of the instructions for finding the logseq dictionary I found on the Internet are outdated and wrong.

The misspelled word shows up as correct in logseq but not in other MacOS apps, so I assume it is a logseq dictionary somewhere.

Found it. ~/Library/Spelling/LocalDictionary

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Not sure this is still correct.

I have a word showing as correct in logseq, but not other MacOS apps. Added (by accident) via Logseq, removed via ctrl+right-click after pasting into TextEdit. Word doesn’t show up in ~/Library/Spelling/LocalDictionary (though several other words do). Behavior persists after several Logseq restarts, and even a cache clear.

Can’t find another dictionary location to check at the moment :thinking:

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