How to remove the pin and page number of pdf annotations?

The pin and page number are not comfortalbe for reading, so it there a way to hide them?Maybe need to change the css file ?

Thank you very much 0-0

.block-content[data-type=annotation] a.prefix-link:before,
.block-content[data-type=annotation] a.prefix-link,
.block-content[data-type=annotation] [data-hl-type=area] .hl-page {
	display: none;

This CSS will hide them, but without a page number, you will not be able to navigate back from notes to pdf. In that case, you can hide only the pin.

.block-content[data-type=annotation] a.prefix-link:before {
	display: none;

This works, thank your very much! :wave:

I usually click link to visit the pdf, so there is no matter without a number.

Another question, how to remove the underline of the text.
I tried text-decoration: none; but nothing happens.

Hi, I tried to put the changes in my custom.css, but it seems that there is no effect (after restarting logseq). I’m wondering if it’s possible for you to help confirm. Thanks a lot.

@import url("");
.block-content[data-type=annotation] a.prefix-link:before {
	display: none;
.block-content[data-type=annotation] [data-hl-type=area] .hl-page {
	display: none;
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I have the same issue.

Took a look in the inspector… The attributes might have changed (?)

Pasting my own config here:

@import url("");
div[data-type="annotation"] strong.forbid-edit {
    display: none;
.block-content[data-hl-color="yellow"] .prefix-link {
    display: none;

The first line is importing the custom theme I’m using. Use yours if you are using another one. Remove it if you want the default.
Second line is hiding the page number.
Third line is hiding the highlight color when the color is yellow. You can change it to any color you’d like.


It’s currently working for me, unsure about any potential issue. Will update if I find any.

Use followings if you only want to hide the pin and page number for pdf screenshot:

div.block-content.inline div[data-type="annotation"] div.prefix-link:has(img)::before,
div.block-content.inline div[data-type="annotation"] div.prefix-link:has(img)>span.hl-page {
      display: none;

here is the updated code to completely hide page number, pin and the blank space left behind

/* yellow pin */
.ls-hl-colored .block-content[data-hl-color=yellow] .prefix-link:before {
  content: '*';
/* page number of text highlight */
.block-content[data-type=annotation] .prefix-link span.hl-page {
  display: none;
/* page number of area highlight */
.block-content[data-type=annotation] [data-hl-type=area] .hl-page {
  display: none;
/* padding after page number */
.block-content[data-type=annotation] .prefix-link {
  padding-right: 0;
/* margin above area highlight */
.block-content[data-type=annotation] .hl-area {
  margin-top: 0;