I’d like to be able to get page notes and annotations from hypothes.is.
I’m working on a hypothes.is plugin. It is early in development.
Check out: GitHub - c6p/logseq-hypothesis: Logseq plugin for hypothes.is
Hopefully this should be live in the marketplace soon! I saw your post on Discord
@c6p Is there a way to edit some sort of output template in order to create Block Properties when syncing? GitHub - c6p/logseq-hypothesis: Logseq plugin for hypothes.is
@c6p I would also like that each annotation becomes a block instead of a page. Considering also how this approach will likely become once Logseq DB is finally launched, is crucial that everything is focused on blocks.
In settings, only a text format coud be set for highlights, annotations, notes. Using output templates instead is a nice idea. Could you create a feature request?
Currently I’m occupied with other things but hopefully the extension will get some love soon.
Each annotation is a block, under a page for a specific URL. Do you want this url pages to be blocks? In logseq I think pages are just blocks too, just a bit special.
I’m a little behind of logseq development, not sure how DB will change things, is there a list of planned API changes?
Currently I’m actually fetching all annotations from hypothesis into a json file. But to create blocks out of them withing a structure I’m using these URL specific pages. Instead of JSON, I want to put them into an edn file -as blocks- and be done with it. I guess inline pdf annotator does something like that. Though, I don’t know whether is it possible within an extension.