Thank you very much for bringing up this request. I wholeheartedly agree with all that has been said in this thread so far: for the long run, a hierarchichal structure is necessary. In Obsidian I do work with nested tags as well and it is a massive help to index and quickly make accessible new (and large) areas of knowledge.
For example, I have a tag named #Knowledge, with nested tags #Knowledge/learning and #Knowledge/learning/academic methods.
Now, of course, the theme of ‘academic methods’ not only applies to the mentioned fields such as knowledge or learning. It also applies to various other topics of academic methodology and research methods. As well as to various fields of cognitive science. At this point, nested tags come in super handy. Because:
By using nested tags, I can quickly access the relevant areas of knowledge while at the same time get a visual overview of the structure and hierarchy without leaving the current page I’m writing on. This is sugar sweet and a very smooth workflow.
Also, it reverses - I think, not sure - how knowledge is created and assembled. Instead of being occupied of what goes where and ‘filling in content’ via writing ‘top down’ from a predifined hierarchy, nested tags help building knowledge from ‘bottom up’. Because later on, you can do with what you’ve written so far whatever you want and process it further. For instance, order the nested tags in a separate file you call ‘Index’ or add them to the Favorites panel or find the linked references in the ‘example-page’ of academic methods and compile a structured file with titles and all. (Say, you need to write about the concept of ‘Expierence’. This will then be H1. And ‘lived expierence’ - originally having been a nestead tag such as #experience/lived experience - will be H2. And so on. No limits to this. You could use it for various regions in the world, etc.)
However, when Tags are Pages (as is the case with Logseq), the method of using nested tags almost becomes a superpower. It facilitates the above described workflow in various ways and makes it a very smooth one. On whatever page I am, I can just ‘go with the flow’ and carefreely write. The very same moment, I inline-tag all that I write according to the tag-hierarchy and the visual overview it provides to me. No need to open or edit another page, to hussle with outdenting or moving lines or whatever. I just write, and then process. The processing however is much helped by having nested tags from the outset. There, in my opinion, lies the true potential of a combination of inline-tagging and (nested) tags.
… ok, having written this, I am not sure whether I’m right on all points or if this (most probably not) applies to all people out there.
I also might have missed something and Logseq provides this functionality since a long time. Jo, looking forward to discussion and insights and the further development of Logseq. (Thank you for your work)