Idea: query syntax to specify a property's options

And it’s why I don’t want to refactor my graph to add is:: properties everywhere, while adding options:: property to some property pages would be doable in any graph I think :slight_smile:

@Siferiax exactly the same experience and thoughts here. And I think making some features more discoverable would be trivial, for example a “Add property” entry in blocks’ context menu to discover properties. And ideally a WYSIWYG editor for properties like Tana’s.

Slightly off-topic, but feeling the need for a comment:
Starting with :: and typing characters is so painfully slow, I could cry each time… I’ll type them manually and accept making typing mistakes eventually :see_no_evil: There is some room for performance improvements here :slight_smile: (and in general with properties).

For me it’s instantaneous with 20+ property keys and I am on a old laptop.

Hm 20 distinct property keys overall? Or the maximum you have per block?

There are probably multiple factors affecting property lookup performance. I should have given some numbers for comparison:

~ 3000 pages
~ 9000 blocks having properties
~ 300 distinct property keys