I'm using Logseq Sync, what should I do if I am experiencing sync issues?

What is Logseq Sync?

Oh, I can’t Sign-up or Log-in!

  1. Confirm you are using the same email address as the one in Open Collective (as Logseq Sync is in beta testing)
  2. Is your donation using the Incognito mode in Open Collective?
  3. Wait 60 minutes if you just finish the donation on Open Collective

If the steps above are not working, ask for help in the beta-sync channel of Discord

If you are experiencing data loss:

  1. Recent updates got overwritten?

Make sure always wait for the :cloud::yellow_circle: icon on the top-right to becomes :cloud::green_circle:.

Explain & how to recover data: Logseq sync: content got overwritten when edit without fully synced
Also see
Data Protection and Recovery in Logseq

  1. Data fully cleared?

Make sure iCloud or any other 3rd party sync service is disabled for the graph.

Multiple sync services cannot be harmony on the same directory :wink:

If you are experiencing sync issues when using Logseq Sync, such as old files always downloaded from the remote server, there are a few steps you can try to resolve the issue:

“It seems that some of your filenames are in the outdated format.”

Asset file is not covered by the filename conversion UI. You have to handle it manually.
If you suffer:

I did see a file show up and deleted it, and then it came back again, and I deleted it again.

May have to setup a new remote graph in this case:

  1. Copy your graph directory on the desktop, in a different name.
  2. Re-add it to Logseq.
  3. Set up sync for the new remote graph on all devices. Remember to set a fresh (empty) directory when selecting directory.
    Ref: I'm using Logseq Sync, what should I do if I am experiencing sync issues?

Files with such filename won’t be uploaded to the remote server in recent versions, but it may caused by an outdated client version.

Using Android / iOS, and Logseq crash on startup / switching to remote graph

Check network connectivity towards https://api.logseq.com/ (should returns 404) and https://logseq-file-sync-bucket-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/ (should returns 403)

Make sure using the latest version of Logseq on ALL devices

Logseq team is in quick action on fixing bugs. Old versions might contain bugs and incompatibility. Reset might be required to take effects (See How to reset a remote graph)

Using Android, and Logseq Sync stop after Logseq is recovered from background?

It’s a known issue and fixed in 0.8.16. Restart Logseq would fix the Sync.

Using custom journal date format?

It’s a known issue that, download remote graph with custom date format setup would show wrong date format in journal section. Re-index could fix.
Don’t edit the journal section on the date in wrong format. It would potentially cause data-loss on other clients.
May use page history button on the other clients to fetch the file back.

Just renamed between capitalization?

It’s a observed but rare issue (we are fixing!) on mac that might lead Logseq Sync to a weird state. For now, a resolution is to reset the remote graph:
How to reset a remote graph

Check for special or reserved characters in filenames

To protect data integrity across multiple devices, special or reserved characters in filenames required to be escaped before Sync. Follow the conversion UI if your file names contain special characters https://docs.logseq.com/#/page/filename%20format

(fixed, action required for affected users)
In older version of Logseq (< 0.8.12), some files with special characters would be mistakenly uploaded to remote graph and unable to be deleted. We have fixed it in recent versions (after 0.8.12), but a reset of the remote graph is required to make the fix works: How to reset a remote graph

(fixed, action required for affected users)
In older version of Logseq (< 0.8.15) on some old devices / platforms (like using HFS as file system for macOS), some files with accent / diacritics (like ä) or Japanese characters (like あ) would be mistakenly handled. We have fixed it in recent versions (since 0.8.15), but a reset of the remote graph may be required to make the fix works: How to reset a remote graph

How to reset a remote graph

1) Copy your graph directory on the desktop, in a different name.
2) Re-add it to Logseq.
3) Set up sync for the new remote graph on all devices. Remember to set a fresh (empty) directory when selecting directory.

We are working on providing an easier way to reset the remote data.

Some other possible issues

if the above case doesn’t fit, check
1) Network connectivity problems: Check network connectivity towards https://api.logseq.com/ (should returns 404) and https://logseq-file-sync-bucket-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/ (should returns 403). The proxy setting in Logseq may help.
2) Conflicting changes to the same file made on different devices

Protect your data

There are multiple safe-net in Logseq to protect the data: the page history feature in Logseq and the recycle directory for recent deleted / overwritten files in <graph directory>/logseq/bak

How to report Logseq Sync related issues

We are promptly tracking & fixing sync issues, but as the remaining bugs are corner cases in rare conditions, the main blocker is the lack of information to reproduce the error. Some crucial information for issue reproduction are:
1) The version of Logseq you are using (on all devices)
2) The operating system and version you are using (on all devices)
3) When did you setup the remote graph
4) A detailed description of the issue you are experiencing, including any error messages you may have received
5) Steps to reproduce the issue, if possible
6) Any relevant logs or screenshots that may help to understand the issue

To report a Logseq Sync issue, you can either open an issue on the Logseq GitHub repository or in the beta-sync channel of Discord. Feel free to ping the team for attention if you are suffering any sync issue.


Thanks! Just a couple of follow-up questions to help me decide if I should sign up for beta-sync:

  1. Any idea when the sync will come out of beta into general availability?

  2. Is the the beta-sync channel restricted to beta users only? I’m not able to access that channel!

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  1. Will need to leave it to the Logseq team to advise.
  2. Yes, it is currently only available to Sponsors and Backers. You can be one on Contribute to Logseq - Open Collective
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For question 1, Soon. Will deliver together with a subscription system

Suppose I become a backer today ($5/month) and start using Sync. Next month you launch Sync for $15/month (for example). Will backers continue to have access at the lower price?

$15 is too high :sweat_smile:
And of course there will be an early bird price.

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Just wondering is Discord this still the best place to post about Logseq Sync issues? I am an open collective $15/mo contributor as of beginning of July and haha I have never used discord before so maybe I’m doing something wrong but I go to that page , I created a new account , and I used same email as w/ open collective, but the channel is showing a message “No Text Channels: You find yourself in a strange place. You don’t have access to any text channels, or there are none in this server.” :slight_smile:

But briefly, my issue:
I transitioned to Logseq Sync: about a week ago
Mac Logseq: 0.9.11
Iphone Logseq: 0.9.11
Logseq folder moved out of Icloud folder: Yes

Two interesting stories:

(1) This morning I was really glad I use the auto-git-commit feature because I saw my notes from the 27th looked suspiciously light. I randomly checked “git log -p” and noticed a big red section followed by some green. I realized likely this was because the morning of the 27th I was doing some offline laptop editing in a weak cell signal area (tether to phone but only 1 bar). And then after I forgot to sync my laptop but later in the day I am writing notes on my phone.

So the interesting thing is on my phone, I wait for the :cloud: :green_circle: and then I start editing. And of course the notes from my laptop are not there since that was an offline edit but I still see the :cloud: :green_circle: on my phone :man_facepalming: .

I acknowledge this is my (user) error :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but perhaps since I saw pr 9238 was merged I was slightly hopeful the edits would merge.

(2) Luckily the above only happened two days before I noticed and so on the third day before starting to use my phone I remembered to take my laptop to a wifi area before touching my phone so that I could sync. However :astonished: , actually, as soon as I opened up my laptop and I check “git log -p”, “Date: Sat Jul 29 14:52:00 2023 -0400” a auto-commit on git deleting the last edit I had made on the laptop.

I manually restore it . This time I am confused because I did not touch my phone logseq during the offline editing on the laptop. I am glad I know to check “git log -p” more often now, but I am wondering what can I do better next time to help prevent the delete.


re-indexing on mobile sorted out a line/block that was out of sync on ios/macos. easy fix but i wish i knew why it was happening.

otherwise i’m pretty happy with logseq sync after using it for a couple of weeks. hoping they keep improving it though…