Images expand to full size when clicked

Hey team!

It would be fantastic to be able to view images full size when clicked in the graph (similar to how Roam has implemented them).

Images are typically pretty small and hard to see when placed in the graph directly.

Current behavior
CleanShot 2021-07-04 at 09.43.11

Desired Behavior
CleanShot 2021-07-04 at 09.42.17

I would say, it’ll be great to add “zoom in” and “zoom out” features for images.

@Peng_Xiao already made a plugin for that : GitHub - pengx17/logseq-plugin-random-tools

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The plugin doesn’t seem to work on 0.2.2. Probably a bug because I’m getting this error in the JS console:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined
    at Function.RB.K (core.cljs:607)
    at (core.cljs:609)
    at Function.$APP.ei.R (core.cljs:3996)
    at oLa (plugin.cljs:77)
    at plugin.cljs:114
    at Function.e [as F] (core.cljs:4307)
    at impl.cljc:93
oLa	@	plugin.cljs:77

Along with

Not allowed to load local resource: file:///home/p-himik/soft/logseq-plugin-random-tools/dist/index.html
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Is the plugin working? I’d like to have this as a built-in feature…



unfortunately I can’t get the plugin to work in current version. Is there any way to make Images Expand on click?

I often need to embed small font screenshots, currently this is very hard to work with.

Thanks all

This can be closed. Btw am i spamming you? @Bader

Not at all thank you! I appreciate the help!