Implementing a hierarchy in logseq


I’m new to logseq, and I have a question regarding how to implement a hierarchy of tags or the like for research for a book. Basically I would like to have a hierarchy of tags that reflects the hierarchical book outline. That way, whenever I find information or have ideas for a particular section, I can assign it to its place in the hierarchy, and also generate a note that includes all the notes for all the levels of the hierarchy. Is this possible? Please note that I am not a programmer :slightly_smiling_face:


Is there any difference between a folder hierarchy (or tags ), and when you write a table of contents on a page?
(And you can write finer comments on the folded part,)

Hi, thanks for your response. Could you please let me know how to make a folder hierarchy? Once I know. I’d be able to answer the question :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Terje,
you can make hierarchies with the “/” inside the pages name, like [[book/chapter 1/subchapter 1]].


The page to chapter 1 and subchapter 1 then looks like this:

And the page to the book with all linked references and the hierarchy looks like this:

There you can find all the notes for all the levels of the hierarchy under linked references.
Hope this is, what you were searching for and helped :slight_smile:


Thank you for your help. One question: is it possible to do this using tags?

In logseq , tags and links are treated as the same thing,

Unless I can hide the namespace parts in the page titles (at least for the graph), this keeps being a showstopper for me. If my structure is complex, the titles are cluttering the graph so much I can’t even select a node without “brushing away” the spiderweb of namespace-plus-title labels, and that every time, because the graph has its own idea of re-ordering the nodes. This entirely breaks usability for me.


  • Namespaces are not for hierarchies, they are for disambiguation.
    • Since it is not possible to have multiple pages named as e.g. Chapter1, so the need to prefix with the book.
      • Of course giving a better name to each chapter would be preferable, but there may still occur some name conflicts.
        • The bigger the graph, the more the chances.
  • In many cases, a hierarchy is not the right structure to begin with.