Insert a local path for files or folders

I think, similar to “/upload an asset” feature, it would be nice to have an “/insert a local path” option. Similar to upload an asset process, when you write “/insert a local path”, windows explorer should launch and give the opportunity to the user to select the file or folder by mouse clicks in windows explorer and insert the local path easily. As of now, it’s possible by manual copy paste operation → [File Name]+ file//:Path where the path is copied from windows explorer manually, which is not user friendly.

Use the logseq-localassets-plugin and use the command /Embed non-local asset file

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Thanks for the reply. Does this plug-in open the explorer window to embed your local file path? Let me check.
To be more clear, I need a “Create shortcut to a local file or folder” tool when you write “/Embed local path” to give a shortcut. When you finish, the line should be like that:
I think this is a very simple feature and shouldn’t need a plug-in.
Thanks in advance for the reply.

Hi, yes the plugin opens a file explorer window and indicates the full path name.

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