Integrate with org-roam

Brief Abstract

I think it would be real boon to both org-roam and logseq to have some collaboration with, and consideration for, each other.

Long Description

I think logseq and org-roam are a match made in heaven. org-roam is perfect for Emacs Linux note taking, but it is basically a way to uselessly trap your information if you also have to use windows/mobile.
Org-roam provides all the functionality of emacs and its extensions ecosystem, publishing abilities etc. I think the integration of the two is now broken with org-roam v2 and it’s new ID system, but it was great when it worked.

This is not really a specific request but more of a general one for an attempt towards integration and compatibility between these two fabulous open source tools.
I made a nearly identical issue for the org-roam side of things.

I second this!

I’ve posted a comment on the linked thread on the org-roam repo, and I’ll quote it here in the spirit of joining the two communities:

I absolutely agree. Full compatibility and interoperability between org-roam and logseq would be amazing and a huge plus for both applications. While I love working in Emacs, unlocking the power of org-mode both for use on other devices and for users who won’t dive into Emacs would be fantastic. logseq seems to have come a long way there already, and the similarities to org-roam make this an ideal candidate for a bridge.

Besides, interoperability with logseq might also help keep the scope of org-roam more manageable. In his recent blog post, Jethro said that he wants to focus on the core functionality, so having logseq on top as an additional option for certain functionalities (e.g. graph, queries, publishing) might be a pragmatic way forward in the short and mid-term.

I generally have a sense that most of the burden of making interoperability happen might lie on the side of logseq, but I could be wrong there.


Is this already done?

A more recent post on the topic here:

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