Introduce UI elements to select spellcheckers

It’s possible to add another language for spellcheck by editing

C:\Users\UsErNaMe\AppData\Roaming\Logseq\Preferences (Windows example)

If you do this both English and German are spell checked, even if it’s written on the same page.

Example, added German:


To make Logseq more accessible and beginner friendly for everyone it would be nice to have a settings option that lets you define which languages should be spell checked.

I’m surprised this is only possible via this file …

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I understand this is early version. But it’s important this lands in the UI, ideally working like in Firefox - check boxes to enable disable languages added in settings. I’d like to promote it among my Polish friends, but w/o that feature it will not gain traction.

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I added Catalan (“ca”) and Spanish (“es”) besides the default en-US and it seems to work as expected.